Course Summary

This course explores the structure of atmosphere, including its physical and dynamical properties as they pertain to every day weather and climate. It will stress the understanding and application of meteorological principles, and show how meteorology plays a dynamic role in understanding air quality.

  • Emphasis will be placed on energy forms as they relate to temperature, moisture forms, as they relate to clouds and precipitation, and pressure patterns as they relate wind flow. We will also examine air masses and fronts; as well as the development and evolution of severe weather phenomena including thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes and hurricanes; and chemical composition of the atmosphere.
  • Weather map discussions will be used to illustrate the concepts and principles.
  • Illustrations in color throughout will strengthen points and clarify concepts.


Attendance is mandatory. After the first week of classes, attendance will be monitored daily. Each absence will result in adverse impact on your final grade.


Outlines of the notes (in Adobe pdf format) are available at the class Moodle website. If you print the notes from the web site, you may only need to make marginal notes during class, hence be able to participate in classroom discussion.


Out of respect for your instructor and fellow classmate you will turn off cell phones, refrain from talking and reading newspapers. Violators will be asked to leave and marked absent.


Two exams (one mid-term and a Final) will be given during the semester.


The mid-term exam will count for 20% of the grade, Final will count 50%. The home work is 30% of the grade.

Student Conduct and Honor Code

Students will be expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards as they pertain to class assignments, quizzes and exams. In essence this requires that any work that you submit as your own be your own. Participants in the class are encouraged to discuss class topics with each other, me or anyone else who might be interested or helpful. It is appreciated that in some cases there may be ‘gray’ areas in terms of what constitutes your work or someone else’s. If you are uncertain about a situation, contact us for clarification. Some assistance may be found at this link and this link. By putting your name on any work submitted in this class, it will be assumed that you are attesting to the Honor Pledge “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment.”

Special accommodations

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State’s policy on working with students with disabilities, please see:

Course Syllabus

  • Basic chemical processes
  • Photochemical processes and elementary reactions
  • Origin and evolution of the atmosphere
  • Radicals in the troposphere
  • Ozone in the troposphere and photochemical oxidants
  • Carbon chemistry in the atmosphere
  • Nitrogen cycles and nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere
  • Sulfur cycles and sulfur compounds in the atmosphere
  • Volatile hydrocarbons
  • Air pollutant emissions and exposures
  • Regional transport and reaction7