48. Aneja, V.P., S.P. Arya, W.H. Battye, and Jordan Baker. 2019. “Characterization and Fate of Ammonia from Poultry Operations: Their Emissions, Transport, and Deposition in the Chesapeake Bay”, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Annapolis, MD 21403, p. 69.

47. Allen, D.T., V.P. Aneja, B. Auvermann, P. Bloomfield, A. Carriquiry, N. Embertson, W. B. Faulkner, R. Hagevoort, R. Kohn, A. Leytem, R. Maghirang, D. Meyer, W. Powers-Schilling, C. A. Rotz, P. D. Sampson, E. P. Smith, J. Smith, E. F. Wheeler, and L. Zhao, 2013, “SAB Review of Emissions-Estimating Methodologies for Broiler Animal Feeding Operations and for Lagoons and Basins at Swine and Dairy Animal Feeding Operations”, A Report of the EPA Science Advisory Board, EPA-SAB-13, p. 60. Available at: link.

46. O.C. Doering, J.N. Galloway, T.L. Theis, V. P. Aneja, E. Boyer, K.G. Cassman, E.B. Cowling, R.R. Dickerson, W. Herz, D.L. Hey, R. Kohn, J.S. Lightly, W. Mitsch, W. Moomaw, A. Mosier, H. Paerl, B. Shaw, and P. Stacy, 2011, “Reactive Nitrogen in the United States: An Analysis of Inputs, Flows, Consequences, and Managing Options”, A Report of the EPA Science Advisory Board, EPA-SAB-11-013, p. 140.

45. Aneja, V.P., W.H. Schlesinger, J.W. Erisman, M. Sharma, S.N. Behera, and W. Battye, 2010. “Reactive Nitrogen Emissions from Crop and Livestock Farming in India”, In ING Bulletins on Regional Assessment of Reactive Nitrogen, Bulletin No. 3, (Ed. Himanshu Pathak), SCON-ING, New Delhi, pp i-iv & 1-18, ISBN 81-85992-16-9.

44. Aneja, V. P., 2009, “Characterization of Particulate Matter (PM10) in Roda, Virginia” North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, p. 100.

43. Schlesinger, W.H., V.P. Aneja, F.S. Chapin, N. Comerford, J.P. Gibbs, T. Hrabik, P. Megonigal, M.G. Turner, and J. Whitaker, 2009, “Strategic Plan for Scientific Research in Isle Royale National Park”, Michigan Technology University, Houghton, MI, p. 34.

42. Aneja, V. P., M. Blaser, R. Isom, T. Marsh-Johnson, C. Peterson, and B. Shaw, 2007, “Whitepaper: PM2.5 – The Science of Gas to particle Conversion and the Regulatory Impact to Agriculture”, U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Air Quality Task Force, Washington D.C., p. 5.

41. Aneja, V. P., Arya, S. P, Rumsey, I.C., Kim, D.S., Robarge, W.P, Dickey, D.A., Stefanski, L.A., Todd, L., Mottus, K. Bajwa, K.S., Semunegus, H., Goetz, S., Stephens, W., Nieh, C., 2006, “Evaluation of Environmentally Superior Technologies for Ammonia – Project OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen),” in Development of Environmentally Superior Technologies: Final Report for Technology Determination per Agreements Between the Attorney General of North Carolina and Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers, edited by C.M. Williams. Published by NCSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2006, Raleigh, NC, p. 69.

40. Aneja, V. P., Arya, S.P, Schiffman, S.S., Sobsey, M., Rumsey, I.C., Kim, D.S., Robarge, W.P., Dickey, D.A., Stefanski, L.A., Todd, L., Mottus, K., 2006, Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen) Evaluation Findings for the ESTs at B.R. Harris (AgriClean), and Red Hill (Environmental Technologies);and Lake Wheeler Road Laboratory (Black Soldier Fly): for Ammonia, Odor and Odorants, and Pathogens; In Development of Environmentally Superior Technologies: Phase 3 Report for Technology Determination per Agreements Between the Attorney General of North Carolina and Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers, edited by C.M. Williams. Published by NCSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2006, Raleigh, NC, p. 69.

39. Aneja, V. P., S. Pal Arya, I. Rumsey, Deug-Soo Kim, Wayne Robarge, David Dickey, Len Stefanski, Lori Todd, K. Mottus, K. Bajwa, H. Semunegus, S. Goetz, W. Stephens, Chiping Nieh, 2005, “Evaluation of Environmentally Superior Technologies for Ammonia – Project OPEN”, Final Report, Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, p. 69.

38. Aneja, V. P., Schiffman, S.S., Sobsey, M., Arya, S.P. Rumsey, I.C., Kim, D.S., Robarge,W.P. Dickey, D.A., Stefanski, L.A., Westerman P., Williams, C.M., Simmons, O., Todd, L., Mathur, R., Gannon, R., Kimball H.,2005. Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen) Evaluation Findings for the ESTs at AHA Hunt (SBR), Carroll’s (Issues-ABS), Harrells (Issues-PCS, Hickory Grove, (Super Soils Composting), Howard Farm (Constructed Wetlands), and Vestal (Issues-RENEW); Lake Wheeler Road Laboratory (Gasifer); and Lake Wheeler Road Laboratory (Black Soldier Fly) for Ammonia, Odor and Odorants, and Pathogens; In Development of Environmentally Superior Technologies: Phase 2 Report for Technology Determination per Agreements Between the Attorney General of North Carolina and Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers, Edited by C.M. Williams. Published by NCSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Raleigh, NC, p. 191.

37. Aneja, V. P., Schiffman, S.S., Sobsey, M., Kim, D.S., Rumsey, I.C., Arya, S.P., Dickey, D.A., Stefanski, L.A., Robarge, W.P., Westerman, P., Williams, C.M., Todd, L. Mathur, R., Gannon, R., Kimball H., 2004. Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen) Evaluation Findings for the ESTs at BOC # 93 (EKOKAN), Corbett # 1,3 & 4 (BEST), Goshen Ridge (Super Soils), Hickory Grove (ORBIT) and Lake Wheeler (Belt) for Ammonia, Odor and Odorants, and Pathogens; In Development of Environmentally Superior Technologies: Phase 1 Report for Technology Determination per Agreements Between the Attorney General of North Carolina and Smithfield Foods, Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers, Edited by C.M. Williams. Published by NCSU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Raleigh, NC, p. 155.

36. Koziel, J. A, V. P. Aneja, B. H. Baek, 2004, “Gas-to-Particle Conversion process between Ammonia, Acid Gases and Pfine Particles in the atmosphere”, Final Report, The State-of-the-Art Knowledge White Paper, National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management (NCMAWM), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, p. 34

35. Aneja, V. P., S. Schiffman, M. Sobsey, D.S. Kim, S.P. Arya, D. Dickey, L. Stefanski, H.T. Nagle, W. Robarge, P. Westerman, M. Williams, O.D. Simmons, L. Todd,R.L. Seila, R. Mathur, R. Gannon, H. Kimball, and P. Roelle, 2003, “An Intergraded Study of the Emissions of Ammonia, Odor and Odorants, and Pathogens and Related Contaminants from Potential Environmentally Superior Technologies (ESTs) for Swine Facilities: Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen)”, Evaluation Findings for Four ESTs at Barham, Corbett #2, and Howard Frarms, and Grinnell Laboratory) for Ammonia, Odor and Odorants, and Pathogens; Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, p. 192.

34. Battye, W., and V. P. Aneja, 2001, “Evaluation and Improvement of Ammonia Emissions Inventories.” Coordinating Research Council, Alpharetta, GA, CRC Contract No. A-32, p. 62.

33. Aneja, V. P., J.P. Chauhan, J.T. Walker, 2000, “Characterization of Atmospheric Ammonia Emissions from Swine Waste Storage and Treatment Lagoons”, Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina Report NO. 329, p. 23.

32. Aneja, V. P., J.P. Chauhan, J.T. Walker, 1999.  “Characterization of Atmospheric Ammonia Emissions from Swine Waste Storage and Treatment Lagoons,” NC Division of Air Quality, Final Report, Contract No. EA 7003, p. 32.

31. Peterson, B.T., S. Pal Arya, and V. P. Aneja, 1998.  “A review of atmospheric measurement methods and results of field experiments and observations of ammonia and ammonium concentrations and dry deposition on natural surfaces”, NC Division of Air Quality, Final Report Contract No. 98-0603-01, p. 27.

30. Desimone, J., R. Oommen, J. Lawrimore, and V. P. Aneja.  1998.  “Climatology of Synoptic-Scale Weather Systems for Eastern North Carolina,” NC Agricultural Research Service, Final Report Contract No. NC 05849, p. 14.

29. Aneja, V. P. and A. Adams.  1993.  “Characterization of ozone climatology in the Southeastern United States and Climate Change”, NOAA Southeast Regional Climate Center, Final Report Grant No. NA26CPO179-01, p. 23.

28. Saxena, V.K., V. P. Aneja, W.P. Robarge, P.A. Durkee, T.P. DeFelice J.D. Grovenstein, K.L. Burns, C.E. Deininger, S.P.R. Pasumarti, and J.C. Ulman.  1993.  “Cloud-Climate Feedback Mechanisms: A first-year project report from Mount Mitchell, North Carolina,” National Institute for Global Environmental Change, Southeast Regional Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, p. 10.

27. Aneja, V. P. and G. Yoder.  1992.  “Characterization of ozone climatology in the Southeastern United States and Climate Change,” Southeast Regional Climate Center Report No. RP010192,  p. 78.

26. Aneja, V. P.  1991.  “Ozone Concentration at Mount Mitchell Research Observatory during the 1990 Growing Season,” Final Report, North Carolina State University, under U.S. Forest Service Reference No. 29-586, p. 8.

25. Aneja, V. P. and D.S. Kim.  1990.  “Dynamic Chemical Characterization of Montane Clouds”, Final Report, North Carolina State University, under U.S. EPA Project No. CR-815289-02, p. 165.

24. Levi, M., D. Adams, V. P. Aneja, L. Danielson, H. Devine, T. Hoban, M. Smolen.  1990.  “Natural Resource Quality In Gaston County – Phase I Characterization of Air, Surface Water, and Ground Water Quality”, Final Report, North Carolina State University, under Gaston County Grant No. 90-0483, p. 168.

23. Mohnen, V., V. P. Aneja, B. Bailey, E. Cowling, S.M. Goltz, J. Healey, J.H. Kadlecek, J. Meagher, S.F. Mueller,  and J.T. Sigmon.  l990. “An Assessment of Atmospheric Exposure and Deposition to High Elevation Forest in the Eastern United States,” Mountain Cloud Chemistry Project under US EPA Cooperative Agreement CR 813934-03-0, Report No. EPA/600/3-90/058.

22. Saxena, V.K., N. H. Lin, V. P. Aneja, A. Murthy, and W.P. Robarge.  1989.  “Acid Deposition Monitoring at Mount Mitchell, North Carolina,” Final Report, North Carolina State University, under US EPA project No. CR-812444-0-0, p. 76.

21. Aneja, V. P., Ed., 1988, “Mountain Cloud Chemistry and Forest Biology Research at Mount Mitchell, North Carolina”, prepared for a field trip for the National Research Council, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology.

20. Aneja, V. P., R. Fields, and A. R. Shultz, 1987, “Toluene Vapor Sorption and Liquid Interactions with Non-Glassy Polymers and Polyblends”, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY 12301.

19. Aneja, V. P., R. Fields, and J. C. Carnahan, 1986, “PPO Black-Specks:  Identification of the Problem and the Source”, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY 12301.

18. Aneja, V. P., 1986, “PPO-Toluene Solution Rheology”, General Electric Company, Memo Report No. MOR-86-062, Schenectady, NY 12301.

17. Aneja, V. P. and J. P. Skilbeck, 1985, “Continuous Devolatilization of Viscous Polymers in a Polymer Stack Heater”, General Electric Company, Memo Report No. MOR-85-039, Schenectady, NY 12301.

16. Aneja, V. P. and T. A. Sitnik, 1983, “BPA-Phenol Adduct Crystallization”, General Electric Company, Report No. 83CRD193, Class 3, Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 12301.

15. Aneja, V. P., 1982, “Extraction of Phenolics from Industrial Wastewaters by Solvents”, General Electric Company, Report No. 83CRD170, Class 3, Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 12301.

14. Aneja, V. P. and T. A. Sitnik, 1982, “BPA and Phenol Recovery from Aqueous Effluents by Solvent Extraction”, General Electric Company, Memo Report No. MOR 82-059, Schenectady, NY 12301.

13. Aneja, V. P., 1981, “Bisphenol-A Purification via Aqueous Extraction”, General Electric Company, Report No. 81CRD300, Class 3, Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 12301

12. Aneja, V. P. and T. A. Sitnik, 1981, “Simultaneous BPA and Phenol Extraction by Toluene and Its Azeotropic Recovery from Aqueous Effluent Streams”, General  Electric Company, Memo Report No. MOR-81-030, Schenectady, NY 12301.

11. Aneja, V. P., and T. A. Sitnik, 1981, “Simultaneous BPA and Phenol Extraction by Methyl Isobutyl Ketone and Their Subsequent Recovery from Aqueous Effluent Streams”, General Electric Company, Memo Report No. MOR-81-029, Schenectady, NY 12301.

10. Aneja, V. P., J. H. Overton, M. H. Richards, P. Acher, S. Joshi, and R. Adjer, 1981, “Data Report.  Velocity of Deposition Experiment – Field Sampling Study in Ohio”, Northrop Technical Report No. ES-TR-81-02, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, p. 25.

9. Ninenger, R. C., J. H. Overton, Jr., M. J. Kaiserman, V. P. Aneja, E. W. Coarse, and D. Kirkton, 1980, “Visibility Study in Ohio River Basin – February 1980”, EPA Contract No. 68-02-2566, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.

8. Aneja, V. P., A. P. Aneja, and D. F. Adams, 1980, “The Contribution of Biogenic Sulfur Compounds to the Global Sulfur Cycle”, General Electric Company, Report No. 80CRD295, Class 1, Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 12301, p. 7.

7. Aneja, V. P., J. H. Overton, Jr., J. A. Anderson, and J. L. Durham, 1980, “Sulfate Aerosol Formation Rate in an Oil Fired Power Plant Plume”, General Electric Company, Report No. 80CRD294, Class 1, Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 12309, p. 8.

6. Aneja, V. P., P. Ascher, E. W. Coarse, M. Pleasant, M.H. Richards and H. Sher, 1979, “Determination of Deposition/Emission Rates of Gaseous and Aerosol Pollutants at Prairie View College, Texas”, Northrop Services, Inc., Report No. ESC-TN-79-06, under U.S. EPA Contract No. 618-021-2566, p. 24.

5. Aneja, V. P., E. W. Coarse, L. T. Cupitt, J. C. King, J. H. Overton, R. E. Rader, M. H. Richards, H. J. Sher and R. J. Whitkus, 1979, “Biogenic Sulfur Sources Strength Field Study”, Northrop Services, Inc., Report No. ESC-TR-79-22, under U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-02-2566, p. 189.

4. Aneja, V. P., 1977, “Dynamic Studies of Ammonia Uptake by Selected Plant Species Under Flow Reactor Conditions”, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27650, p. 271.

3. Witherspoon, A. M., V. P. Aneja and H. H. Rogers, 1976, “Selective and Comparative Absorption and/or Degradation of Gaseous Nitrogenous Air Pollutants by Plant Species”, Annual Report, ARS-NCAES Coop. Prog., Raleigh, NC, p. 153.

2. Barvenik, F. W., F. B. Hill, V. P. Aneja and R. M. Felder, 1975, “Hydrogen Sulfide in Bottom Water Near a Sewage Sludge Dumping Site”, U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration Report BNL 20078.

1. Aneja, V. P., 1975, “Characterization of Sources of Biogenic Atmospheric Sulfur Compounds”, Master of Science Thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27650, p. 144.