Manuscript Reviewer

Atmospheric Environment; Tellus; Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association; Environmental Science & Technology; Journal of Water; Air and Soil Pollution; Journal of Geophysical Research; International Journal of Environment and Pollution; Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association; Chemosphere; Global Biogeochemical Cycles; Israel Journal of Chemistry; Transactions: Regional Photochemical Measurement; and Modeling Studies; Journal of Environmental Quality; Environmental Defense Fund; Ecology; Ecological Monographs; and Ecological Applications; Environmental Pollution; US Environmental Protection Agency; Global Change Biology; Phyton; Journal of Applied Meteorology; Atmosphere; Environmental Health; Environmental Technology and Innovation; Aerosol and Air Quality Research; and Nature Communications.

Book Referee

Academic Press; McGraw-Hill; Oxford University Press; and Elsevier.

Guest Editor

  • Atmospheric Environment Special Section “Atmospheric Nitrogen Compounds: Emissions; Transport; Transformation; Deposition; and Assessment”; 2001
  • Atmospheric Environment Special Issue “Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science (AAQ-2006); 2008
  • Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association “Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science”; 2008
  • Journal of Environmental Quality “Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science”; 2008

Advisory Panel

  • Nature, 2008-2010

Research Grant Reviewer

National Science Foundation; American Institute of Biological Sciences; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; US Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of State; U.S. Department of Energy; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Natural Environmental Research Council; UK; US Environmental Protection Agency; The Israel Science Foundation; Chesapeake Bay Air Subcommittee; NC Water Resources Research Institute; United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union; U.S. Department of Energy; The Croucher Foundation; Hong Kong; Nevada System of Higher Education; University of Illinois at Chicago; Universita` degli Studi della Basilicata; Italy; Research Corporation for Science Advancement; Office of Education; Archimedes III; Greece; Research Program Thalis; Greece; NWO Council for Earth and Life Sciences; the Netherlands; Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS); Brussels; Belgium; and Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences; Kuwait.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Department of State; DuPont Company; The United Nations Environment Program; Indian Institute of Technology; Kanpur; Engineering Science; Inc.; American Institute of Biological Sciences; ABB Environmental Services; Inc.; Research and Evaluation Associates; Inc.; Patterson; Harkavy; Lawrence; Van Noppen and Okun; Attorneys at Law; Blanchard; Triggs; Abrams; and Strickland P.A.; Johnston; Zabor & Associates; Inc.; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Radian Corporation; EC/R Inc; Duke University; Purdue University; Eastern Research Group; Inc.; Sierra Club; Center on Race; Poverty; and the Environment; Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP; Speer Law Firm; Health Canada; and Wallace and Graham, P.A.

Current Fields of Interest

Environment; Air Quality; and Climate: Emission; transport; transformation; and fate of pollutants; agricultural air quality; climate change; biogeochemical cycling of pollutants; measurement and modeling of biogenic emissions of trace gases; photochemical oxidants and gas-to-particle conversion; biospheric-atmospheric interactions; bioenergy; aqueous waste purification; bioenvironmental engineering; and pollutant monitoring and control.

News Coverage

His research has been featured on CNN; ABC; CBS; NBC; National Public Radio; Public Broadcasting Service; Associated Press; The New York Times; The Times of India; Environmental Manager; Fortune Magazine; Field Productions; LLC.; and The Wire (India).


  • American Institute of Chemical Engineer
  • American Chemical Society
  • Air and Waste Management Association
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Carolinas Air Pollution Control Association
  • North Carolina Water Resources Association
  • AIChE Editor Northeast New York Section; 1981-1983
  • Air Pollution Control Association Secretary; Interaction with Total Environment Technical Committee; 1987-19893